Distant Healing | Free taster!
Distant Healing is an energetic transmission sent to you through deep meditation and clear intention, using ancient mystic psychic techniques such as Reiki and Crystals. The healer is able to tap into the universal energies and become one with your personal energy field and time lines, allowing healing to take place.This is how I personally practice my Distant Healing and they are only given with your permission. Any health issue can be worked with during a distant healing, I specialise in Emotional well being.
Free Taster
I have put together a Distant Healing for you to try one time only, you can also share it with friends to try. This particular healing is focused on easing Anxiety in general. The process is simple just relax undisturbed for 30 minutes.
To request your gift click on the image to contact me. Once I have received your request I will reply with instructions.
When you have received my instructions make yourself comfortable, lay down and have your palms facing upwards ready to receive say "I now accept Maya Ridoux Sweeney Distant healing to ease my anxiety". It's important you accept the healing wholeheartedly. Rest for 30 min or when you awake.
During the healing you may experience tingling or sensations as if someone is lightly touching you just like an in person healing session, this will depend on your sensitivity levels and it's not uncommon to just feel relaxed without sensations.
I would love to have your feedback on your experience or any questions you may have. I work in many ways with my Healings, please visit my website pages if your interested in furthering your knowledge or want a personalised healing session form me.